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* I'm so amused - for others will take lifetimes to reach my Current Advanced Level


* Ronn is open to crying freely at Touching and Loving Moments - Oh what a Great Release this is


* I must have been a Trooper in a Past Life. I love gearing up in a tough military get-up and going into battles (mentally)


* RONN on the "Do You Want To Build A Snowman" video )


  What A Truly Tender, Loving Video !!!

  Oh The Great Pain endured by Dear Innocent Anna, growing up without being able to get close with her One and Only Sister, and   not  

  really comprehending why

  It gets More Painful for both of them when their Beloved Parents die so early, and grieving Elsa still couldn't be with her  Cherished

  Anna, who felt so alone in the world

  The Beautiful Music and Animation made it all Sooo Touching

  Tears flow freely from one's eyes when Dear Anna chokes in deep heartache at the end of her singing, and when Elsa sobs hurtfully and helplessly at  

  her side of the door



* That Impacting Scene in the film Blade Runner - Replicant Rutger Hauer profoundly tells Harrison Ford of the alien worlds he had been in as an

   expendable trooper - they're there to fight the dangerous battles instead of human troopers 






* I'm really Inspired by Robin Williams words (Afterlife communication via Channelling Erik on Youtube) - We have the right to die !!!




* It's amusing that we continue to have dangerous voltages in our homes, when we can actually reduce these to safe levels, lolz. Yeah why not have a safe voltage standard for homes

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